List of Applicants Teaching & Non-Teaching Positions List of Applicants (Teaching Positions) Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor EnglishDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor Fine ArtsDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor ITDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor Mass CommunicationDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor Political ScienceDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor ZoologyDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor MathematicsDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor PhysicsDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor PsychologyDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor BotanyDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor Business administration Download Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor SociologyDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor ChemistryDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Professor CSDownload Applicants list for the post of Lecturer ITDownload Applicants list for the post of Lecturer CSDownload Applicants list for the post of Lecturer SociologyDownload Applicants list for the post of Lecturer PsychologyDownload List of Applicants (Non Teaching Positions) Applicants list for the post of TreasurerDownload Applicants list for the post of Assistant Director Purchase & StoreDownload Applicants list for the post of Hostel Warden (Female)Download Applicants list for the post of Lab TechnicianDownload Applicants list for the post of Store KeeperDownload Applicants list for the post of Bus DriverDownload Applicants list for the post of Driver (LTV)Download