Department of Botany


The Government Post Graduate College was established in 1950. Since then, the institute has endeavoured to deliver academic excellence in the discipline of botany. In December 2019, the institution received university status and began to broaden its focus from academics to research. The department is currently offering BS and M.phil programme. Presently about 237 students are enrolled in BS Botany and 29 students in M.phil.

The department have now 10 faculty members all having doctorate degree from well reputed international universities. These faculty members are specialized in various fields of Botany i.e., Plant Taxonomy, nano technology, Molecular Biology, Plant Genetics, Plant Physiology, Plant Biotechnology, Phytoremediation, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Ecology, Ethnobotany, and sustainable renewal energy. They have published more than 100 research articles and a number of book chapters in esteemed national and international journals.


Our vision is to ensure that our high-quality scientific findings help to address significant challenges in Global Food Security, Building a Sustainable Bioeconomy, and Environmental Protection. With this strategy, we will improve the recognition of botany in the global arena, train a substantial number of Plant biologists across all scales of the discipline, from molecular biologists to biological engineers to conservationists, and drive advances in the understanding of fundamental biology that will have significant positive societal impacts.


Our mission is to build research groups that will contribute to aforementioned fields. To better assist students and perform research, initiatives are ongoing to establish a diverse portfolio of grant income via. Higher Education Commission (H.E.C), the Government sector, Industries, and International Collaborations. Building national and international networks will maximize the effect of our scientific research.

HoD Message:

As an incharge of Botany department it is a great honour to welcome and introduce you to the Faculty. The study of Botany intend to elucidate fundamental facts of the natural world and unravel its underpinning rules and principles. Our comprehension of life’s fundamentals develops more sophisticated every year. Our dynamic and interactive faculty conducts cutting-edge research in ethnobotany, biotechnology, pharmacology, molecular biology, agriculture, and climate change.

Since it is a nascent university with developing infrastructure, the faculty has witnessed teaching and research growth. Research capability has been upgraded. Faculty provides BS, MS programmes. Our academic programmes meet both national and international degree criteria. We try to provide our students and colleagues the best educational opportunity and environment in accomplishing their goals.

Dr. Yamin Bibi

IN-charge/ Chairperson

Botany Department

Program Offered:    

Program Name: BS-Botany

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Intermediate equivalent level with 45% marks
  • At least 50% marks in Biology as an elective subject

Courses offered:

1st Semester:

Sr#Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hour
1MTH-101Basic Mathematics3
2BOT-121Diversity of Plants and Related Life3+1
3PHY-101Applied Physics3
4ENG-101Introduction to Grammar3
5HE-102Food and Nutrition3
6PAK-101Pakistan Studies2
Total Credit Hour =                                                                                18

2nd Semester:

Sr#Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hour
1ENG-102Introduction to Language Skills3
2ISL-101/ETH-101Islamic Studies/Ethics2
3SAT-101Statistical Methods3
4CHM-122Organic Chemistry-I3
5Zoo-201Animal Diversity-I3
6BOT-122Plant Systematics, Anatomy and Development3+1
Total Credit Hour =                                                                                18

3rd Semester:

Sr#Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hour
1CHEM-121Inorganic Chemistry3
2CS-101Introduction to Computer-I3
3BOT-201Cell Biology, Genetics and Evolution3+1
4ZOO-202Animal Diversity-II3
5ENG-103Academic and Technical Writing3
Total Credit Hour =                                                                                16

4th Semester:

Sr#Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hour
1STA-102Introduction to Biostatistics3
2RSG-101Remote sensing and Global information system3
3CHM-202Analytical Chemistry-I2+1
4BOT-202Plant Physiology and Ecology-I3+1
5BOT-203Biodiversity and Conservation2+1
Total Credit Hour =                                                                                16

5th Semester:

Sr#Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hour
1BOT-303Mycology and Plant Pathology3
2BOT-301Bacteriology and Virology3
3BOT-305Plant Systematics3
4BOT-302Phycology and Bryology3
5BOT-304Diversity of Vascular Plants3
Total Credit Hour =                                                                                16

6th Semester:

Sr#Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hour
1BOT-306Plant Anatomy3
3BOT-308Plant Biochemistry-I3+1
4BOT-309Plant Ecology-I3
5BOT-310Plant Physiology-I3
Total Credit Hour =                                                                                17

7th Semester:

Sr#Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hour
1BOT-401Molecular Biology3+1
2BOT-402Plant Biochemistry-II3
3BOT-403Plant Ecology-II3
5BOT-405/RP-499Research Planning and Report Writing/ Research Project3
Total Credit Hour =                                                                                16

8th Semester:

Sr#Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hour
1BOT-406/RP-499Environmental Biology/Research Project3
3BOT-408Plant Physiology-II3+1
4BOT-409Industrial Botany3
5BOT-410Plant Biotechnology3
Total Credit Hour =                                                                               17

Faculty Members Details


Designation: chairperson/Associate Professor
Email ID:
Office Phone No:: +923035712234

Dr. Shamim Akhtar

Designation: Associate Professor
Email ID:
Office Phone No: +92-334-5304923

Dr. Mamoona Munir

Designation:  HOD
Email ID:
Office Phone No: N/A
Ext No:  N/A 

Dr. Banzeer Ahsan Abbasi

Designation:  Assistant Professor
Email ID:
Office Phone No: +92-348-9893600
Ext No:  N/A 

Dr. Sadia Malik

Designation:  Lecturer
Email ID:
Office Phone No: +92-
Ext No:  N/A 

Dr. Shazia Rehman

Designation:  Lecturer
Email ID:
Office Phone No: +92-3345304342
Ext No:  N/A 

Dr. Syeda Anber Zahra

Designation: IPFP Fellow
Email ID:
Office Phone No: +92-335-6805875